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Spring Cleaning The Roof Checklist

Dec 15

In the excitement of harvesting your garden or planting one or simply moving out of the house during Spring, or curling up with books during winter, it's easy to overlook certain essential aspects of home maintenance. No one said it was going to be a beautiful sight but you'll be happy when the weather changes and your roof adjusts to keep up with seasonal demands.

Here are some simple places to start your home maintenance, both indoors as well as outdoors. It is a good idea to have someone to help you with simple repairs or to get help from a professional when needed.


Although the roof may be at the exterior the idea is to shield what's inside. This checklist will ensure the damage isn't overlooked. Always seek out a professional when you spot something outside your control. This may help to reduce the possibility of further damage.

Inspect your entire attic. If there is water or light that has been discovered, you'll know the area in general.

Check for mold or mildew. The signs could be as small as staining on the surface of your attic or as a general odor. You may notice something unusual like stains on your attic's surface, or a general odor. It could be an indication of a problem with the ventilation in your home.

Check your ceilings. If water has gotten into your home, it will settle on its way back down to ground level. Trouble signals include stains smells and ceilings that are sagging.


Outside is where things may get complicated for those who have little experience in maintenance. The use of safety harnesses and the right training will reduce the risk to you and your roof. It is recommended to consult a professional prior to the examination of these typical problem areas If you decide to go up yourself, have a helping hand and safety gear at all times.

Make sure you check your eavestrough connection. If they're loose or disconnected from the roof, they run the chance of falling.

Make sure that eavestroughs do not have an overflow. This can be done best during periods of heavy rainfall. If the water is gushing, determine the blockage areas and move on from there.

Eliminate eavestrough sludge. Twigs, leaves, and other debris will fall during winter and then settle into your drainage in spring. It can be cleaned by hand to increase water flow.

All trees that are causing issues should be cut. If your trees are beginning to rub against your walls, roof, or eavestroughing, it might be a good time to reduce them. Even tiny snags could pose an issue for your exterior especially in windy weather.

Examine your shingles' condition. This is a big job that requires professional roofing Mississauga maintenance or replacement every 15 years. If yours is starting to look less than perfect, it may be time to change the roof. For small patches, speak with a professional who can help determine the appropriate next step.

It's not a bad idea to perform spring cleaning, no matter if you're doing it indoors or outdoors. Your roof is not just safeguarding your most valuable assets, but also your comfort. Find help from professionals to maintain your roof.

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(647) 877-3144